Andrew Doran, a resident of the tiny B.C. Interior community of Harrop, has been getting ready for expanded strike action on the cable ferry across Kootenay Lake that is a community lifeline.
“I’ve spent the afternoon fixing up a borrowed 1970s 14-foot boat with a similar vintage motor, hoping I won’t have to use it to take my wife and four-year-old across the frigid lake in the dark so they can get to work and daycare,” he said in an email Thursday.
Doran said the village was “pretty stressed” about the prospect of job action.
It’s now set to become a reality after the union for striking workers issued notice of expanded industrial action on Friday, cutting sailings on two Kootenay Lake cable ferries from Monday.
The Kootenay Lake villages of Harrop, Procter and Glade — which have a combined population of about 900 people — will experience fewer crossings …