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Ottawa weather: It feels like -20 with the wind chill this Sunday [Video]

Ontario News

Cold temperatures are still in the forecast for Ottawa, as it feels like -20 with the wind chill this Sunday morning.

Environment Canada calls for a high of -11 C and flurries today. A low of -19 C and partly cloudy skies are expected for tonight.

On Monday, the capital will see sunny skies and a high of -11 C. A low of -13 C and a 30 per cent chance of flurries are expected for the night.

Tuesday will see a high of -9 C and a 30 per cent chance of flurries. Cloudy periods and a low of -17 C are in the forecast for the night.

The average temperatures for this time of year are a high of -6 C and a low of -15 C.

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