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Lottery payout delayed for ‘insider win’ review in Ontario [Video]

Ontario News

An Ontario man’s lottery ticket claim is delayed for an “insider win” review.

Kevin Allum of Welland, Ontario is in the process of claiming a $10,000 win with the Instant Crossword Tripler game, the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation said on Monday.

Allum works at an authorized OLG retailer so the win claim falls within OLG’s definition of an “Insider Win,” the OLG said.

While Allum did not purchase or validate his ticket at his place of employment, insider claims of $10,000 or more require enhanced review and validation.

The OLG also has a 30-day publication period before payment to ensure there are no additional claims on the winning ticket.

The prize will be paid on Jan. 30, 2025 pending no additional claims.

The ticket was purchased at Avondale on Lincoln Street in Welland.

For more information on insider wins, visit Claiming Prizes for Insiders on

Lead photo: Raysonho @ Open Grid Scheduler / Scalable Grid Engine

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