Hamilton’s new outdoor shelter site will be geared to people living in encampments, couples and those with pets, says the social service provider who will be managing operations.
Typically, emergency shelters do not accommodate pets or allow couples or adult family members to bunk together, Katherine Kalinowski, Good Shepherd’s chief operating officer, told CBC Hamilton in an interview this week, as the city continues to prepare the site.
“It’s very, very difficult, especially in the midst of the worst crisis of [someone’s] life, to be separated,” Kalinowski said. “This will give an opportunity in that case for people to share a dwelling and to continue to support each other and live as they choose.”
The outdoor shelter site, which will consist of pre-fabricated tiny homes and larger common spaces, will temporarily house up to 80 people. Some of the cabins began arriving earlier this week.
While the City of Hamilton …