The Rebirth of Antisemitism in the 21st Century: David Hirsh in conversation with Casey Babb
The Rebirth of Antisemitism in the 21st Century: David Hirsh in conversation with Casey Babb
Our leaders are caught up in ‘the emotion of the moment’ on tariffs: Brian Lee Crowley in the National Post

Canadian ice climbers to converge on downtown Edmonton for world championship [Video]

Canadian National News

Even with a torrent of blood flowing from his mouth, knowing several of his teeth were bent out of place, Gord McArthur believed he could get back on the wall.

Moments before, in the middle of a manoeuvre last February at the Ice Climbing World Cup in Edmonton, the Canadian ice climber was holding an axe handle in his mouth when he fell.

On the way down, one of his ropes caught the tool, driving it into his mouth, fracturing his jaw and displacing his bottom teeth.

“It was … like being curb-stomped by your tool,” said the 45-year-old.

But the pain hadn’t kicked in when officials asked if he wanted to climb his second route. To show he could do it, he stuck his axe in his mouth again.

“When it hit my teeth, I vomited and almost passed out.”

One year, 15 surgeries and some new teeth later, …

Tim Carney argues that real family policy must go beyond government subsidies
Tim Carney argues that real family policy must go beyond government subsidies
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