Tariffs, Trump, and the Canadian oil and gas sector: Heather Exner-Pirot and Lisa Baiton
Tariffs, Trump, and the Canadian oil and gas sector: Heather Exner-Pirot and Lisa Baiton
We Have a Tariff Reprieve. Let’s Use it to Firmly Establish the Facts: Tim Sargent and Fen Osler Hampson for Policy Magazine

Videos Show Devastation of Fatal Floods in Northeast Australia [Video]

Canadian National News

Videos showing parts of Queensland, a state in the northeast of Australia, overwhelmed by flood waters have shocked viewers on TikTok.

Monsoon rainfall over the past few days has devastated small rural towns along the state’s north coast, killing two people and forcing hundreds to evacuate their homes.

User @melainaleah shared a video on Tuesday showed the parking lot of the Stockland shopping center area in Cairns—a tourist hub that serves as a gateway to the Great Barrier Reef—completely flooded. The poster said the parking lot had “turned into its own little creek,” according to a caption shared with the video, which shows a single car floating “all alone” above the flood waters.

User @n0taraikalso shared footage of flood waters in Cairns on Tuesday, including the flooding outside what appears to be a pet care services venue, according to signage on a wall. The clip later shows a flooded street, with …

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