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HSI visits Mexican restaurant La Indita [Video]

First Nations News

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — The Dept. of Homeland Security (HSI) served a notice of inspection to La Indita, a local restaurant in Downtown Tucson, to make sure their employees have the legal right to work in the U.S.

Denise Shafer, manager and owner of La Indita, wants other businesses to be aware and prepare.

“If you think it’s not going to happen to your business, you’re wrong. Especially, we felt targeted because we are Mexican and we have a Mexican Indigenous restaurant,” said Shafer.

Shafer rushed to the restaurant after receiving a call from an employee saying Homeland Security was there to serve an audit.

“And basically what that means is that they want us to hand over all of our employee verification paperwork,” said Shafer.

Shafer called her civil rights attorney Stacy Scheff to meet her at the business.

Scheff says it’s legal for them to request the I-9 …

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