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Meet 3 Londoners volunteering to help people cast ballots on election day [Video]

Canadian National News

If it’s election season in London, it’s a guarantee you’ll find small armies of unpaid volunteers knocking on doors, making phone calls and getting the word out about voting day in Ontario.

Volunteers are an integral part of any election, either in support of a particular candidate or party, or to be more involved in the democratic process and helping boost voter turnout.

Such a boost may be needed in London. Only four to six per cent of eligible voters cast early ballots in its three urban ridings, rising to nearly nine per cent in Elgin—Middlesex—London.

Ken Cossoy

Among those pitching in is Ken Cossoy. The longtime Ontario PC Party member has been volunteering with a local campaign doing “basically anything that’s needed to be done.”

“I’m more or less the assistant office manager and chief bottle washer,” he said with a chuckle.

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