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Overdoses spike in Saskatchewan despite downward trend [Video]

Saskatchewan News

Overdose fatalities in Saskatchewan are down significantly since January of 2024, but overdoses themselves are still a problem.

Earlier this week Saskatoon’s fire department reported more than 40 drug overdoses within 2 days.

“Over Feb. 24th, we saw six overdoses in the 24 hour period,” says Saskatoon Deputy Fire Chief Rob Hogan. “The 25th we saw 16 and on the 26th we saw 18. So 40 overdoses over the three 24-hour periods. Quite a jump.”

Hogan says emergency personnel are fully prepared to deal with overdoses, but admits the frequency they’re occurring at is alarming.

“It’s just shocking that we’re having so many in such a short period of time,” says Hogan. “Some of them are going there and two or three people overdose at the same incident.”

Regina has seen overdose responses declining since 2023.

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