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What drug harm reduction services will be available after safe consumption site closes in Brampton? [Video]

Ontario News

Residents in need of harm reduction services in Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon will still have some options after the province closes Peel’s only supervised consumption site.

The Urgent Public Health Need Site in Brampton was initially going to be spared under the PC Party of Ontario’s new Community Care and Recovery Act, which will shutter 11 safe consumption sites in Ontario.

An extension granted to the Region of Peel has been pulled back by the province, leading to an order “to cease operations for drug checking and supervised consumption services” by March 31.

Safe consumption services will wind down with “a transition period of sixty days” starting on April 1, according to a report from the region. Other services including basic first aid, distribution of harm reduction supplies, education, counselling and referrals will continue until May 1.

But the region says there will still be some harm reduction services available …

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