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Lethbridge business leaders, politicians react to 2025 Alberta budget – Lethbridge [Video]

Canadian National News

The 2025 Alberta budget promises millions of dollars to be spent in Lethbridge, but there are also concerns regarding the deficit.

“I hope there’s some move to sort of shrink down and address that in real terms in the near future. But, certainly recognize the uncertainty that Trump and potential tariffs are playing,” said Trevor Lewington, CEO of Economic Development Lethbridge.

However, Lewington and Lethbridge mayor Blaine Hyggen say there are plenty of positives.

These include funding for infrastructure, twinning Highway 3, adding more dollars to the University of Lethbridge’s incoming Rural Medical Teaching School and more.

“I was really excited to see the increase in funding for the medical training facility at the university, to be quite honest,” said Hyggen.

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As explained in the video above, there is still time required to fully understand the impact of the budget.

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