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‘Hectic’ Moment Hiker Is Forced to Evacuate as Volcano Erupts Goes Viral [Video]

Canadian National News

A video capturing the nerve-wracking moment hikers in Guatemala were evacuated on Sunday from the Acatenango volcano as the Volcán de Fuego erupted nearby has gone viral on TikTok.

The clip was shared by @keitoswan, one of the hikers, and has amassed over 208,000 views since it was posted on March 12.

A note overlaid on the clip says “POV [point of view]: You hike Acatenango and Fuego starts erupting and you’re forced to evacuate down the mountain!”

The hiker says in the clip, “We’re evacuating the volcano in 20 minutes,” as the footage shows what appears to be fiery lava spewing out from the Volcán de Fuego (Volcano of Fire) in the distance.

“So, yea, it’s happening,” he continues, as the footage shows a row of hikers, their headlights glowing amid a pitch-black landscape, walking down the mountain with the Fuego volcano erupting nearby.

According to the poster, around 50 or 60 people were …

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