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Bangladesh struggles to repair damage from Hasina’s 15-year rule [Video]

Canadian National News

The chants get louder as hundreds of protesters turn a corner in the central part of Bangladesh’s capital, marching and calling for an end to a steep hike in gang activity and violent crime.

It was the second rally in as many weeks where young people poured onto the streets of Dhaka to voice their displeasure at where the country is headed. 

“I came to protest the rampant rape cases in the country,” Anindita Biswas said at the rally last weekend, after the alleged rape of an eight-year-old girl in western Bangladesh sparked outrage. 

Outside the offices of Bangladesh’s interim government, which was formed after a bloody student-led revolution toppled previous prime minister Sheikh Hasina and ended her 15 years of authoritarian rule, there was yet another protest. 

This time, it was a group of people who sustained injuries in the widescale protests last July that were met with a …

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