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Manitoba hoping to capitalize on Canadians avoiding travel to U.S. – Winnipeg [Video]

Canadian National News

Canadians continue to respond to tariffs and other attacks from U.S. president Donald Trump, and according to one travel expert, they’re making a statement en masse by spending their travel dollars elsewhere.

Claire Newell told Global Winnipeg that strong reaction against visiting the U.S. is something she’s hearing every day from clients and industry colleagues.

“There’s no question in my mind that this will continue until Donald Trump stops taking punches at Canadians,” she said.

Statistics, Newell said, seem to be bearing that out, with surveys showing the number of Canadians unwilling to travel to the United States increasing from 28 per cent in January to a recent poll that shows more than 60 per cent of Canadian travellers would prefer to spend their money elsewhere.

And that “elsewhere” is often right here at home.

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“Canadians love to travel, but they’re angry so they’re spending their Canadian travel dollars anywhere but the U.S.”

Travel Manitoba is hoping to capitalize …

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