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PHOTOS: Total eclipse blood moon visible over southern Ontario [Video]

Ontario News

People caught clear photos of the total lunar eclipse blood moon early this morning across southern Ontario.

The moon slipped into Earth’s shadow starting at 11:57 p.m. on Thursday and was at peak around 3 a.m. appearing with a red, which is why it is called a “blood moon.”

“During a total lunar eclipse, when the Moon passes through the shadow cast by Earth, sunlight is refracted through Earth’s atmosphere and gives the Moon a red hue,” the Canadian Space Agency said.

March’s full moon is the “Worm Moon” and it entered its full phase on Friday around the same time as the total eclipse at 2:54 a.m. in the GTA, according to Time and Date.

The skies were clear early this morning in the GTA and people captured beautiful photos of the reddish moon.

Toronto photographer Filip Hasson posted a photo of the moon after experimenting with exposure settings. He said he wasn’t the only one out on …

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