The great tug-of-war over Greenland: Dalziel, Rahbek-Clemmensen, Keldsen, Maddox, and Shadian
The great tug-of-war over Greenland: Dalziel, Rahbek-Clemmensen, Keldsen, Maddox, and Shadian
York University’s faculty hysterics expose desperate need for post-secondary reform: Peter MacKinnon in the Financial Post

Event video from the 16th edition of the RORC Caribbean 600

Canadian National News
Sit back, get the popcorn ready and enjoy this event film; with interviews and spectacular footage from the 16th edition of the Royal Ocean Racing Club’s 600NM race around 11 Caribbean Islands.

Linda Sams explains why it
Linda Sams explains why it's so important to ensure salmon farming in Canada remains viable
Lithuania – A shining city on the front lines of democracy: Active Measures with Marcus Kolga