The great tug-of-war over Greenland: Dalziel, Rahbek-Clemmensen, Keldsen, Maddox, and Shadian
The great tug-of-war over Greenland: Dalziel, Rahbek-Clemmensen, Keldsen, Maddox, and Shadian
A lifeline for Ukraine that costs Canadian taxpayers nothing: Balkan Devlen, Aaron Gasch Burnett, and Yuliya Ziskina in National Newswatch

A tax holiday that includes meals out? Bring it on, restaurant association says [Video]

Prince Edward Island News
  • 4 hours ago
  • News
  • Duration 6:22

Richard Alexander, the chief economist with Restaurants Canada, estimates the federal government’s GST/HST break could boost food service sales by nearly a billion dollars over the two-month period beginning Dec. 15. He shares his thoughts with CBC News: Compass host Louise Martin.

Jon Rahbek-Clemmensen on the crucial choice facing Greenland
Jon Rahbek-Clemmensen on the crucial choice facing Greenland's geopolitical future
To create a grand strategy for a world in turmoil, Canada should think smaller: Jonathan Berkshire Miller in the Globe and Mail