Ontario News

Abandoned vehicles pulled from Philly streets as part of Mayor Cherelle Parker’s action plan [Video]

NICETOWNThe big job of removing abandoned and rotting vehicles from the streets of Philadelphia is underway as the city begins towing cars and trucks around the 39th Police District.

Near the corner of North 5th and Ontario, in front of a vacant, scarred building, two abandoned cars sit. A Honda Odessey, its windows shattered, and hood torn away, has sat for months, said a resident. A nearby Toyota has been here even longer. John Johnson said he walks by abandoned vehicles daily. He said, “It definitely makes the city look dirty. It needs to be well taken care of.”

On the 1,500 block of Kerbaugh Street, in the city’s 39th Police District, a red van is pulled onto a flatbed. It’s the department’s Neighborhood Services Unit pulling abandoned, rotting vehicles off the street as part of Mayor Parkers’ Action Plan, under her Clean and Green initiative. Lt. Chris Lantz leads …

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