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Alberta border residents welcome RCMPs Black Hawk helicopters [Video]

Alberta News

“Undesirables or criminals — those are the kind of people walking through my land to get into Canada.”

That’s how Cardston County rancher Layne Cook reacted to news the RCMP now have Black Hawk helicopters to help patrol the Canada-U.S. border between Alberta and the state of Montana.

Cook’s family settled the area in 1889 and there is just over three kilometres of his land that sits right along on the border.

Until now, if Cook saw something suspicious, the nearest RCMP detachment is in the town of Cardston, about 25 km north.

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“We’ve had multiple people cross the border from the U.S. coming into Canada. We’ve called the RCMP and most the time, by the time they get here, there’s not much they can do because they’re gone.”

“It’s my safe space — and having people that you don’t want walking through your yard is not a good feeling,” added Cook.

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