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Alberta Motor Association safety patrollers skate with Lethbridge Hurricanes – Lethbridge [Video]

Alberta News

The Alberta Motor Association (AMA) hosted its annual school safety patrol skating party at Arena, where hundreds of patrollers from across Lethbridge and surrounding communities had the chance to skate with the Hurricanes.

Over 300 grades five and six student volunteers hit the ice to hang out with members of the Lethbridge Hurricanes, while collecting autographs and taking photos as well.

The event recognizes the vital role patrollers play in keeping school zones safe by helping students at crosswalks on their way to and from school, says Allison Purcell with AMA School Safety Patrol.

“It’s certainly a longstanding history to have this appreciation event,” said Purcell. “It’s great to have the Hurricanes come out and recognize the work that our patrollers do on our crosswalks as well.”

Watch the video in the player above to learn more.

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