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American booze made in Canada amongst those leaving Sask. store shelves [Video]

Saskatchewan News

Liquor stores across Saskatchewan are about to look a lot different, as U.S. brands are pulled from shelves.

The province recently released a list of over 50 drinks that won’t be available for restock.

Products like Bud Light and Coors Light beer, and hard seltzers such as Vizzy and White Claw (plus other brands) will no longer be purchased by stores across the province to sell to consumers.

However, some of the products which won’t be sold are actually made in Canada.

Brandon Geerts, the LB Liquor president, said the government’s decision to remove some of the brands is a bit baffling.

“Most of this product is made in Canada with Canadian ingredients by Canadian employees,” Geerts said.

“We’re very confused as to why the decision was made just based on being an American brand, even though the product is being produced in Canada.”

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