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Amherstburg man solo kayaking the Canadian Great Lakes [Video]

Ontario News

Amherstburg kayaker Ian Parish has returned home after completing another chapter towards his lifelong goal.

Parish is solo kayaking all four Canadian coasts of the Great Lakes, most recently navigating the shores of Lake Huron.

“Just the nature of the Great Lakes, it’s a beautiful place to explore… and it’s been a lifelong dream of mine to kind of do that,” said Parish from the shores of Boblo Island.

Parish, 43, explained it’s been a childhood dream he challenged himself to achieve, first kayaking Lake Erie alone in 2020.

“It was something I wanted the experiences of,” he said. “I often tell people I’m out here just collecting experiences.”

“Where some people collect items, I like to collect outdoor experiences and be with nature as often as possible.””

Parish intends to paddle Lake Ontario next, noting it takes preparation and planning before setting out on such a solo excursion.

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