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Apple looks for more money by changing the math on Patreon [Video]

Canadian National News

Content creators who use the online platform Patreon may need to increase prices for their supporters to make up for tech giant Apple claiming a 30 per cent share of any transactions completed within the platform’s app on iOS devices such as iPhones or iPads.

Patreon lets individuals or companies charge people for the material they create, either as one-off or recurring monthly payments. Content on Patreon can include everything from podcasts and personal training, to music, comics and more. Much of it is digital, but creators can offer physical merchandise as well.

Starting in November 2024, Apple will require Patreon to pay a fee on any products and new memberships purchased through the Patreon iOS app.

Apple already applies this fee to many other apps and providers on their App Store. It did not enforce the fee with Patreon until recently, though the reason Patreon was exempt is unclear.

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