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Ark Aid gets committee approval for more funds [Video]

Ontario News

A council committee has acknowledged a need to temporarily fund the current level of frontline services until London’s Whole of Community Response to Homelessness is fully up and operating.

On Thursday, the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee (SPPC) considered a proposal by Ark Aid Street Mission to transform its winter response to homelessness into a year-round frontline service until March 31, 2027.

In a report, city staff recommended extending the services for a total of $360,000 a month at Cronyn Warner (432 William St.) and The Ark (696 Dundas St.)

Here’s what Ark Aid Street Mission would provide

  • 24/7 Assessment and Referral Services (696 Dundas St.)
  • 40 rotational drop-in spaces
  • 30 resting spaces for temporary overnight stays
  • Stabilization Transitional Beds (432 William St.)
  • 60 beds supporting individuals unable to access shelter spaces

Executive Director Sarah Campbell explained that operating year-round avoids the high cost of ramping up and winding down service each winter.

She emphasized the importance of not letting the current funding extension expire July 31.

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