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ASL to be included in local theater performance [Video]

Ontario News

The classic holiday showing A Christmas Story: The Musical will hit the Chrysler Theatre this month, with the rare inclusion of sign language interpreters.

For one of the six scheduled performances, two members of Stage Hands Windsor will aim to share every noise, expression and song through American Sign Language.

Matthew Dumouchel, the director of the Windsor Light Music Theatre performance, said the inclusion of interpreters was a long time coming.

“So, I know that the organization itself has had the opportunity to work with interpreters before, and the last time was back in the 80s,” Dumouchel said.

He added they first attended a Stage Hands Windsor show after hearing about their work from another theatre organization.

The theatre company jumped on the opportunity to make theatre more accessible to those in Windsor-Essex.

“So, creating the relationship with an organization such as Windsor Light and another organization such as Stage …

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