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B.C. coastal residents hire lawyers as battle against shipbreaking operation intensifies – BC [Video]

Canadian National News

Residents of communities on the Central East Coast of Vancouver Island have now hired lawyers in their battle against a controversial shipbreaking operation on their coastline.

Residents of Baynes Sound, south of Courtenay, have been fighting the business that dismantles derelict ships on the shore of the Salish Sea.

Residents claim the operation is fouling the water with copper, lead and zinc.

After an investigation by environmental lawyers, residents say by not taking more action against the operation, the provincial government is in violation of the Fisheries Act.

“These folks are getting increasingly traumatized and concerned about the circumstances given what’s happening with this shipbreaking operation,” Carla Conkin, an environmental lawyer told Global News.

“So, you know, essentially we’ve got beached vessels, we’ve got unlined sumps, and we’ve got pollutants that are seeping into the receiving environment and marine environment, and nothing’s being done about it.”

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