Heather Exner-Pirot calls out ideological bias in Canadian research funding: MLI in Parliament
Heather Exner-Pirot calls out ideological bias in Canadian research funding: MLI in Parliament
The Governor General should have rejected Trudeau’s prorogation request – and taught Canadians a valuable civics lesson: David Livingstone for Inside Policy

B.C. port labour dispute: Sask. industries welcome federal binding arbitration [Video]

Quebec News

The federal government’s decision to impose binding arbitration in labour disputes at ports in British Columbia and Quebec is being welcomed by many industries in Saskatchewan.

“I have directed the Canada Industrial Relations Board to direct that all operations and duties at the ports resume and to assist the parties in settling their collective agreements by imposing final and binding arbitration,” Federal Minister of Labour Steve Mackinnon told reporters Tuesday.

While initially hesitant to get involved in the dispute – Ottawa felt there was too much at stake to allow the lockouts to continue.

It came at a critical time for Saskatchewan’s potash sector which ships through the ports of British Columbia.

“That’s the main one that we export to over 40 countries and this is a key growing time in southeast Asia – which is …

Kody Penner recounts how diversifying past mining secured the Tahltan Nation’s future
Kody Penner recounts how diversifying past mining secured the Tahltan Nation’s future
Empowering the Silent Majority