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B.C. snowpack trending low raising drought concerns [Video]

British Columbia News

B.C.’s latest Snow Survey and Water Supply Bulletin shows dry January and February weather has driven the average provincial snow pack levels lower than earlier expectations.

The current provincial snowpack level now sits at 73 per cent of a normal year, while in January, snowpack levels were close to normal, at 87 per cent.

Forecasters say it is raising concerns of continued drought conditions through 2025.

“Low snowpack and seasonal runoff forecasts combined with warm seasonal weather forecasts and lingering impacts from ongoing drought are pointing toward elevated drought hazards for this upcoming spring and summer,” said the B.C. River Forecast Centre in its report.

Forest and mountains near Numa Falls in Kootenay National Park, B.C. (Dennis Kovtun/CBC)

The risk is greatest in the Similkameen, Central Coast, Bridge, Chilcotin, Nechako and Skagit districts.

The Chilcotin is the driest region in the province this winter, receiving just 16 per cent of normal snowfall.

The Liard district is the wettest, …

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