Canadian National News

B.C. United officially not running any candidates in election [Video]

On the eve of the provincial election officially kicking off, B.C. United has confirmed it will have no candidates on the ballot anywhere in the province.

The party, which had served as Official Opposition in the B.C. legislature, had previously indicated it may run a handful of candidates in select ridings in order to avoid being deregistered by Elections B.C.

But on Friday, an email from B.C. United’s deputy campaign manager said that would no longer be the case.

“Following further conversations with Elections B.C., B.C. United’s party executive has decided not to run any candidates in the upcoming 2024 provincial election,” said an email attributed to deputy campaign manager Adam Wilson.

“Furthermore, to ensure compliance with the B.C. Elections Act, the party executive has made the decision not to produce or share any materials in relation to the upcoming provincial election for the duration of the campaign period.”

Elections …

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