Ontario News

Bangladeshi community fears for family back home amid violent protests [Video]

Mehnaz Tabassum and Saif Ahmed stand outside the Bangladesh High Commission on Saturday. They both told CBC they fear for their parents’ safety back home. (Anchal Sharma/CBC )

The last time Oshmita Tanisha spoke to her father back in Bangladesh, she didn’t have much to say. 

“I just told him, ‘Don’t go outside, don’t let my brother go to school, and stay safe,'” she recounted to CBC.

The international student is one of many Bangladeshis in Ottawa who fear for the safety of family members back home, after more than 100 people were killed in violent protests last week. 

A nationwide internet blackout imposed by the government on Thursday has made communication challenging. 

“The cellular network is on … but calls are too choppy,” explained Ottawa resident Mohammad Salah Uddin. “They can receive the call, we can hear they’re trying to speak, but we can’t understand what they’re saying.”

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