Canadian National News

Banks to start identifying carbon tax rebates as the ‘Canada Carbon Rebate’ starting today [Video]

Starting today, most banks are expected to start clearly identifying quarterly direct deposits of carbon tax rebates as the Canada Carbon Rebate.

Many eligible Canadians will receive another quarterly rebate from the federal government today to compensate them for paying the federal fuel charge, commonly known as the carbon tax.

In the past, these rebates appeared in consumers’ accounts under generic labels like “federal payment” or “EFT Canada,” leaving recipients clueless about the source.

Recent changes to the Financial Administration Act compel banks to label government payments accepted for deposit. Carbon tax rebates are to appear in personal bank accounts as the “Canada Carbon Rebate” or “CdaCarbonRebate”.

A senior federal government source with knowledge of the move said internal government polling shows roughly half of Canadians who are eligible for the rebate don’t know it exists. CBC News has not viewed the polling data or results. 

The source, who was …

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