Ontario News

Battery storage facility in Tara [Video]

A massive energy storage facility is on its way to Bruce County.

An open house later this month will detail a large battery storage facility that will be built on 20 acres, near the community of Tara.

The Tara Battery Energy Storage System will be made up of 400 lithium-ion battery cell containers, said Neoen, the French company building the project.

At its peak, it could store enough power for 640,000 homes, according to the company website.

The idea of energy storage is to store electricity from renewable energy projects like wind turbines that overproduce during the nighttime and release it back to the grid during daytime peak demand hours.

The Tara Battery Energy Storage System is expected to start construction in 2026.

The open house is planned for Jan. 21 at the Tara Community Centre from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Proposed battery storage facility near Tara. (Source: Neoen)

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