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BC Conservative candidate under fire for comments about First Nations [Video]

Canadian National News

With just over a week to go until election day, another BC Conservative candidate is coming under fire. This time, for comments about First Nations communities.

And there are calls for an apology.

Dallas Brodie, who is the Conservative candidate in Vancouver-Quilchena, was speaking at an all-candidates debate Thursday evening. In trying to clarify previous comments from a podcast “some time ago,” she said when people say they want to be First Nations and want autonomy and equal footing, those rights also come with responsibility.

“When a large percentage of your people are on the Downtown Eastside, it’s important that you come and take responsibility for that piece as well. It’s not okay to leave your people,” she said.

Wade Grant, a member of the Musqueam Indian Band, who attended the meeting and posted video of Brodie’s comments to social media, said there were “audible gasps” in reaction to what she said.

“You could tell there were …

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