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Bernheim Forest’s golden eagles head south, but one may not return to Kentucky [Video]

Manitoba News

While Athena seems to be taking her regular fall migration path, researchers aren’t sure if Hermes will ever return to Bernheim Forest.

CLERMONT, Ky. — While one of the golden eagles tracked by Bernehim Forest for years is on the move again, another bird may not return after a long summer vacation in Canada.

Officials said Athena and Hermes continue to take their own paths for fall migration after having “unique strategies” getting north over the summer.

Athena began the month long, 1,750-mile migration to Wapusk National Park in Manitoba, Canada back in March. 

The two birds were tracked over the summer on opposite sides of the Hudson Bay, nearly 800 miles apart. It’s one of the reasons researchers are now “fairly certain” the two birds aren’t partners, as previously presumed.

“The distance between the two birds during summer tells us they are not from the same area,” Andrew Berry, director of conservation at Bernheim, explained.

Berry said Athena stayed in a …

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