Quebec News

Bernheim Forest’s golden eagles: Latest migration updates [Video]

Athena and Hermes have been on vastly different migration paths this winter.

CLERMONT, Ky. — Researchers at Bernheim Forest and Arboretum remain puzzled by the curious migration pattern of one of its two tracked golden eagles, Athena and Hermes.

While Athena completed her regular migration from Canada to Kentucky in December, a more than 1,700-mile journey, it appears Hermes never completed his fall migration.

Hermes spent ten months in Canada, despite intense snowfall and bitter cold.

Back in January, Hermes had stayed for weeks in an area crisscrossed by utility lines and roads over mining and human settlements in central Quebec. It’s unclear why he stayed so long, but researchers say it seems he had ample food up north.

Meanwhile, Athena was exploring all over the Greater Bernheim knobs region since arriving back in Kentucky. She’s been as far south as New Haven and as far north as the Cedar Grove Wildlife Corridor, officials said.

Researchers said she’s been spotted with another eagle, a juvenile possible third year …

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