Canada has 3 million non-permanent residents with expiring visas...
Canada has 3 million non-permanent residents with expiring visas...
A loophole in the Safe Third Country Agreement could cause Canada big problems: Michael Bartuciski in the Globe and Mail

Biden apologizes to Native Americans in Arizona for Indian boarding schools [Video]

First Nations News

President Biden addressed Native Americans at the Gila River Indian Community and formally apologized for the atrocities committed against tens of thousands of Indigenous children at forced federal Indian boarding schools.

Karen Ogen-Toews on the importance of First Nation entrepreneurs engaging internationally
Karen Ogen-Toews on the importance of First Nation entrepreneurs engaging internationally
MAID and the law – B.C. case shows how courts offer crucial oversight when lives are at stake: Isabel Grant, Trudo Lemmens and Ramona Coelho in the Vancouver Sun