Ontario News

Bonnie Crombie rules out Ontario carbon tax if elected premier [Video]

Ontario Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie says she will not institute a provincial carbon tax if her party is elected in 2026.

Crombie has been peppered with questions about her party’s stance on the carbon tax since being elected in December, with Progressive Conservative Premier Doug Ford labelling her as “queen of the carbon tax.”

Until now, Crombie has sidestepped answering questions about the policy. Instead, she told reporters the Ford government was using the carbon tax as a distraction tactic and that the party was going to “do their homework” before picking a side.

On Monday, the leader made it clear that any climate action plan the provincial Liberals put forward will not include a carbon tax.

“We will ensure major polluters pay, but we will not have an Ontario carbon tax on consumers,” Crombie said in a statement.

“Instead, I want robust action on building up public transit systems; …

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