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Border security: Franois Legault still dissatisfied with the federal government’s plan [Video]

Quebec News

After demanding a detailed plan for border security from the federal government, Premier François Legault is now asking for “details on the concrete deployment of these measures” and a “timetable.” He is also reiterating his call for visa restrictions.

“It is essential to remember that 80 per cent of arrests linked to illegal crossings from Canada to the United States occur in the Swanton sector, mainly on the border with Quebec,” Legault wrote on X on Wednesday.

“The federal government must concentrate its efforts in this specific region, as well as in Akwesasne, but to date, few details have been released on the planned distribution of the new resources.”

On Tuesday, the federal government presented its plan for securing the borders in the hope of meeting Donald Trump’s demands and avoiding the introduction of tariffs.

Ottawa plans to spend $1.3 billion over six years to strengthen the detection and interception …

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