Canadian Environment and Climate

Calgary issues water reduction advisory ahead of possible restrictions – Calgary [Video]

The City of Calgary says it should have no problem supporting the province’s mandate that municipalities reduce consumption by five to 10 per cent if or when restrictions come.

Nicole Newton, manager of natural environment and adaption with the City of Calgary, said Calgarians now face a water reduction advisory and should immediately start conserving water inside and outside of their homes.

“Only water early in the morning and in the evening to help make every drop count,” Newton said. “And start watering to a maximum of four hours a week.”

Garden experts like Colin Atter, owner of Plantation Garden Centre, said that shouldn’t be much of a hardship. Garden lovers can easily buy drought-resistant plants and use mulch and peat moss to beat the heat.

“So far, what I hear is they will start with hand watering restrictions, it will be level one, I assume. You can water pretty much most of your …

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