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Calgary looks to double fines for speeding in playground zones – Calgary [Video]

Canadian Politics and Government

Calgary city council is moving forward with a plan to recommend doubling the fines for vehicles speeding in playground zones.

The proposal, which was passed unanimously by council on Tuesday, recommends increasing the fines set by the provincial government under the Traffic Safety Act.

Drivers caught speeding in playground and school zones are subject to fines starting at $81 and progressing from there, depending on the speed.

The motion was originally tabled by Coun. Jasmine Mian, who said it’s one of the biggest complaints she has received since becoming a councillor in 2021.

“Last year, in 2023, there were over a thousand summons to court over speeding in school zones.  It’s something parents and kids are really concerned about,” Mian said.

Parent Tia Tilley said she supports the idea. Tilley says, at times, it’s a source of anger when she is taking her preschooler Violet to class and sees vehicles …

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