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Calgary photo radar tickets being delivered via couriers due to Canada Post strike [Video]

Canadian Economy and Markets

As the strike between Canada Post and its workers continues, some unwanted pieces of mail are still making there way to people’s doorsteps.

After getting a knock on her front door a few nights ago, Lindsay Lagimodire thought at first, the photo radar ticket was a scam.

“I got a knock on my door at about 8:45 p.m.,” explained Lagimodire. “And it was a speeding ticket taped to my front door!”

She isn’t alone.

Since Nov. 15, the Calgary Police Service says its issued 19,500 speeding tickets to lead-footed drivers across Calgary and the surrounding area.

This isn’t the first time Canada Post has gone on strike and Alison Turgeon, a supervisor with CPS, said they were quick to get the necessary motions granted to keep tickets flowing.

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“We actually went to the courts and we sought out a court order,” Turgeon said. “So we would be able to serve these tickets via courier, and …

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