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Calgary releases preferred option after study into rail service to airport – Calgary [Video]

Alberta News

The idea of a train to Calgary’s airport appears to be gaining steam.

City councillors on the Infrastructure and Planning Committee received a briefing this week on progress and next steps of the Calgary Airport Rail Connection Study, which included the city’s preferred route for a rail line to the airport.

The briefing underscored the importance of an east-west rail connection between Calgary International Airport, an extended Blue Line LRT and the future northern leg of the Green Line, while also connecting with the province’s proposed regional and high-speed rail lines in the Deerfoot Trail corridor.

“Building on findings from the 2020 Airport Transit Line Study, the preferred option ensures the east-west connection remains intact, linking northeast and northwest Calgary communities where approximately 60 per cent of the demand for airport service was identified,” the briefing read.

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The study began in late 2023 after the Government of Alberta allocated $3 million to the City of Calgary to find the …

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