Ontario News

Canada needs to rebuild its reputation after drone spying scandal, says former player [Video]

“We really look terrible now.”

Helen Stoumbos, a former member of Canadian women’s soccer team, worries about the long-term perception of her sport.

“Anybody that thinks of Canada Soccer is going to think of this fiasco,” she told CTV News Wednesday.

She’s referring to a Canadian staffer who was caught using a drone to spy on another team’s practice before the start of the Olympics, which resulted in a $300,000 fine, the suspension of three team members and a six-point deduction by FIFA.

On Wednesday, a sports arbitration court rejected an appeal by the Canadian Olympic Committee and Canada Soccer to reverse the penalty. An investigation, by FIFA, turned up an email by a Canadian performance analyst who objected to “spying” on other teams, while another message suggested the practice was widespread. Canada Soccer has since announced it’s hired a Toronto lawyer to conduct an external review of the drone incident.

Former player’s reaction

Stoumbos, who lives in …

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