Canada-US border security - A North American perspective: Alex Dalziel and Alan Bersin
Canada-US border security - A North American perspective: Alex Dalziel and Alan Bersin
Ottawa’s pharmacare plan looks grim for diabetics: Nigel Rawson and John Adams in the Financial Post

Canadian Museum of History to host Indigenous monument to residential school victims [Video]

Ontario News

Artist Stanley C. Hunt looks over his work, one that means more to him than any other he’s ever made, which he says, should have never been created.

“I made this from my heart,” he said.

The towering six-metre Indian Residential School Memorial Monument is dedicated to a dark time in Canadian history. It’s meant to represent children who went missing, and died, in the residential school system.

Hunt, a Kwagu’l Indigenous carver from British Columbia, created the wooden monument in his own backyard.

“It was really tough to go through that tent door and go in there knowing that your every day you had these children on your mind, and every day you were trying to give them a voice.”

It began after he heard the news in 2021 that hundreds of unmarked graves had been found near a former residential school …

Double Trouble: Our fear of escalation makes the West look weak
Double Trouble: Our fear of escalation makes the West look weak
Double Trouble: Our fear of escalation makes the West look weak / Balkan Devlen with Edward Hunter Christie