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Canmore issues warning about aggressive bear, later captured [Video]

Canadian National News

The Town of Canmore and RCMP asked people to avoid the mountain community’s Cougar Creek Commuter Pathway on Monday, including the pedestrian underpass, due to an aggressive bear.

A post on the Town of Canmore’s Facebook page just after 10 a.m. indicated Fish and Wildlife officers had been called and were on the way.

In an update posted just after 1 p.m., the Town of Canmore said the bear was “no longer in the area” and that it was safe to use Cougar Creek Commuter Pathway again.

The town told CTV News in an email that the bear was “captured.”

The town is reminding residents and visitors to:

  • Keeps dogs on a leash at all times;
  • Carry bear spray and know how to use it;
  • Stay on trails and travel on them only during daylight hours; and
  • Report bear sightings to Alberta Fish and Wildlife by calling 403-591-7755.

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