The real story behind Canada
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Cat costume art creates joyful connection for B.C. woman [Video]

British Columbia News

When she walked into the thrift store that day, Helga Strauss was searching for inspiration.

“Anything that sparking some interest,” Helga says.

In this case it was a book about Marilyn Monroe, and a couple of others about cats.

When she got home, Helga pulled out her scissors and started cutting pictures out of the pages.

“It’s almost like making a puzzle,” Helga says of making collages.

But instead of using pre-made pieces, Helga was making up the puzzle as she went.

“Sometimes you get those pieces together and it’s just like, ‘click,’” Helga smiles.

This time, a kitten’s head unexpectedly clicked on Marilyn’s body.

“And I was just like, ‘Oh my God! I just love it so much!” Helga laughs. “I just found myself giggling to myself non-stop.”

So Helga didn’t stop. She started creating countless collages featuring cats wearing all sorts of human clothes.

And when she was done with the thrift store books, Helga found inspiration in junk mail featuring prescription glasses.

“I …

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