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Cats rescued from abandoned vehicles in Metro Vancouver [Video]

British Columbia News

Multiple cats have been found in abandoned vehicles that have been towed in Metro Vancouver over the past month, according to the B.C. SPCA.

In once incident, employees of the towing company found an elderly black cat and a younger grey cat in a car that was filled with “hazardous items,” including rotting food and garbage, a spokesperson for the charity said.

“The vehicle’s windows were closed, and it smelled strongly of feces and urine,” said Eileen Drever, the B.C. SPCA’s senior officer, protection, and stakeholder relations.

“It took quite some time to get the cats safely into carriers as the cats were nervous and they tried to retreat to the rear of the vehicle there was a concern some of the haphazardly stacked items would fall on them.”

The two cats were brought to the Vancouver animal centre, where the black cat remains in care. The gray cat, according …

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