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Caught-on-camera B.C. crash could lead to charges: police [Video]

British Columbia News

An 85-year-old driver who seemingly attempted to run down three teens in a shocking caught-on-camera incident in Abbotsford, B.C., could be charged with assault with a weapon, according to authorities.

On Valentine’s Day 2024, security video captured the moment the driver appears to have chased the trio down Carlsrue Avenue before hitting two of the boys and narrowly missing a third.

At the time, police said the boys had been playing nicky nicky nine doors – a prank that involves knocking on doors before running away.

Const. Art Stele, spokesperson for the Abbotsford Police Department, said a charge of dangerous operation of a motor vehicle is also under consideration. However, the final report to Crown counsel has not yet been submitted.

While the video itself may seem like definitive and damning evidence to a layperson, Stele says there is a lot more required to support a recommendation of criminal charges …

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