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CCTV Captures Oklahoma Fire Destroying Camping Home in Seconds [Video]

Canadian National News

A video showing a camping home being consumed by fire near Stillwater, where dozens of homes have been completely destroyed by wildfires that ripped through the city in Oklahoma, has gone viral on TikTok.

The harrowing viral clip posted by TikTok user @jakestreck, which features footage from a home security camera, shows a view of the fire from inside the camping home in Lake Carl Blackwell, located just few miles from Stillwater. The clip has amassed 10.1 million views since it was shared on March 16.

The video begins with ominous, thunderous sounds of the fire echoing outside, before dark plumes of smoke and blazes of fire begin close in on the home within seconds.

Minutes later, loud crashing sounds are heard as the entire home is engulfed in flames, before the screen turns a fiery purplish hue as the clip ends.

A note overlaid on the video simply says: “And just like that it was all gone.”

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