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Central Okanagan Food Bank sees huge increase in Christmas hamper demand – Okanagan [Video]

Canadian Politics and Government

The Central Okanagan Food Bank has officially launched its annual Christmas hamper distribution campaign.

The organization and its many volunteers are preparing to hand out an unprecedented amount of hampers this holiday season.

“People are hurting, they are desperate and they need the food bank,” said Trevor Moss, the food bank’s executive director.

So much so that the need this year is up by 30 per cent from the year prior.

“It’s a sobering reality, ” Moss said. “We were hoping it would plateau but the numbers keep going.”

This holiday season, the food bank will support around 4,500 families, which equates to some 12,000 people.

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“The fastest growing population that’s coming to the food bank in the last six months is two individuals with two children, and they are working families,” Moss said.

On Friday the food bank held an open house inviting in the media and dignitaries, including the city’s mayor, to get a glimpse into what’s involved …

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